
💫TEACHER K💫👩‍🎓EXAM prep YLE/KET/PET🀝Business for Professionals 👚‍🎓6yrs EXP🔥

🥇Cambridge exam prep🥇



🌟 Stressed about Exams? Let Nisha's classes be the solution! 🌟 🏆 Certified Exam Prep Teacher: With Nisha's expertise, your child will conquer exam stress and achieve top marks. 🎯 Goal-oriented & Linguistic Approach: Nisha's targeted teaching ensures focused learning and deep understanding. 💌 Proven Success: Nisha's students consistently excel in exams, thanks to personalized attention and effective methods. 🚀 Accelerate Your Child's Success: Enroll in Nisha's classes today and watch your child thrive academically! Unlock your child's potential with Nisha's Exam Prep classes! Courses: 📚 Starters / Movers / Flyers YLE Cambridge A1: 1⃣ Understand and use everyday expressions 2⃣ Ask and answer questions about personal details (e.g., where you live, people you know) 3⃣ Write a short message or postcard 4⃣ Understand basic information, e.g., in signs, brochures, newspapers, etc. 5⃣ Use simple phrases and sentences to describe your family, where you live, etc. 6⃣ Talk about what you do and what you like 7⃣ Understand and follow very simple instructions Additional Skills: 💬 Understand and use basic phrases 📚 Read short, simple texts ✍ Write a short text or email 👂 Understand basic information in conversations 🗣 Ask simple questions and answer them 🌈 Vocabulary and grammar (present simple and present continuous tense) KET Cambridge A2: 💛 Write short messages and emails, fill in forms with your personal details 🧡 Understand basic instructions or public announcements 💜 Understand simple written information: signs, brochures, newspapers 💙 Speak about yourself, your family, interests, work, or studies 💚 Have a conversation in a shop, café, hotel 💜 Talk about past events, say what you did yesterday or when you were on holiday PET Cambridge exam B1: 📚 Read signs, instructions, and short texts. 🗣 Talk about familiar topics and give opinions. ✍ Write emails, stories, and descriptions. 👂 Understand conversations and radio shows. 🎥 Watch and understand TV shows and films. Basic Vocabulary and Conversation: 🌈 ➡ Introduction of essential vocabulary related to daily life, family, school, and activities. ➡ Making use of interactive games, songs, and activities to reinforce vocabulary. ➡ Practice simple conversations in common scenarios. Storytelling and Reading Comprehension: 📖 ➡ Selected age-appropriate stories or create simple narratives. ➡ Conducted interactive reading sessions with discussions and comprehension exercises. ➡ Encouraging students to create their own stories or alternate endings. Course Title: Business English for ESL Professionals Course Outline: Week 1: Introduction to Business English Overview of the course objectives and expectations Importance of English proficiency in the business world Common business English vocabulary and expressions Week 2: Communication Skills Effective communication strategies in professional settings Business correspondence: emails, memos, and letters Role-playing exercises for business conversations and meetings Week 3: Business Writing Writing clear and concise business documents Grammar and punctuation rules for professional writing Review and feedback on writing assignments Week 4: Presentations and Public Speaking Techniques for delivering confident presentations Structuring and organizing business presentations Practice sessions with feedback from peers and instructor Week 5: Negotiation Skills Vocabulary and phrases for successful negotiations Strategies for handling negotiations in English Role-playing negotiation scenarios Week 6: Cross-cultural Communication Understanding cultural differences in business interactions Avoiding misunderstandings and cultural faux pas Case studies and discussions on cross-cultural communication challenges Week 7: Business Etiquette Professional etiquette in different business contexts Networking skills and building professional relationships Business dining etiquette and socializing in English-speaking environments Week 8: Career Development Writing resumes and cover letters in English Job interview preparation and practice Tips for career advancement and professional growth Week 9: Business English in the Digital Age Using technology for business communication Social media etiquette for professionals Virtual collaboration tools and platforms Week 10: Final Projects and Review Final project presentations or writing assignments Course review and feedback Reflection on progress and future learning goals 🀓 TEACHING STYLE: 🎇 Dedication: I am committed to providing the best learning experience for my students. ✹ Motivation: I strive to inspire and encourage my students to reach their full potential. 🎆 Passion: Teaching is my passion, and I am enthusiastic about helping students succeed. 🥳 High Energy & Friendliness: I create a lively and welcoming atmosphere in my classes to keep students engaged. 😀 Patience: I understand that learning takes time, and I am patient with my students' progress. 👩‍🎓 Learner-Centered Lessons: My lessons are tailored to meet the individual needs and interests of each student. 🎶 Learning through Music, Games, Stories, Words, and Visual Aids: I incorporate various interactive tools to make learning enjoyable and effective. 🏆 Positive Teaching Environment: I foster a positive and supportive learning environment where students feel encouraged to participate and succeed. 🀞‍♀ Relaxed Fun Lessons: While maintaining a structured approach, I ensure that my lessons are enjoyable and stress-free for students. 👚‍👚‍👧‍👧 Group classes 🎓 Ace your Cambridge exams with confidence in our group classes! Expert dedicated to your success 🌟 Personalized attention and tailored assistance 🎯 Learn alongside like-minded peers in a supportive community 👫 🎉 Exclusive discount promotion for group class enrolments! Limited-time offer to save on tuition fees 💰 Boost your exam preparations while saving money 💪 📆 Enroll now to secure your spot and unlock a brighter future! Join our upcoming group classes and achieve your academic goals 🚀 🌟 Students' Achievements Speak Volumes! 🌟 🚀 Success Stories with Teacher K: 📝 "Teacher K's dedication and expertise transformed my English skills. I passed my Cambridge exam with flying colors and am forever grateful!" - Emily 📝 "Under Teacher K's guidance, I not only improved my English but also gained the confidence to excel in my studies. Her support was invaluable!" - James 📝 "Teacher K's teaching style is exceptional! She made learning English fun and engaging. Thanks to her, I achieved my dream score in the Cambridge exam!" - Lily 🎚 Crafting My Brand Story: 📖 With a passion for nurturing young minds and empowering students to reach their full potential, I strive to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment where every student can thrive. Join me on this exciting journey of exploration and growth! 🔍 Dive Into My Trial Class! ❓ What to Expect in Your Trial: ➡ Personalized learning goals tailored to your needs ➡ A comprehensive assessment of your current English proficiency level ➡ Special introductory offer: 10% discount on your first package! 🚊 Classroom Rules & Policies: 📌 Essential Reminders: ↘ Bring your enthusiasm and eagerness to learn to every class! ↘ Ensure a stable internet connection and set up your devices beforehand. ↘ Respect for fellow classmates and the learning environment is key. 📅 Cancellation Policy: ↘ Please notify me at least 24 hours in advance if you need to reschedule or cancel a class. Last-minute cancellations may result in forfeiture of the session. Let's work together to ensure a smooth and productive learning experience for all!



Cambridgeレッスンのレビュヌ9 

  • Anonymous
    6月 10, 2024
    The English class was excellent and very effective. I improved my skills significantly thanks to the clear and engaging instruction.
  • Anonymous
    5月 7, 2024
    My daughter really enjoyed the class. Teacher K is so friendly and energy. She gave my daughter lots of opportunities to speak.




  • 2017 - 2020 Compukids
  • 2019 - 2019 Financial solutions
  • 2019 - 2021 Kinderkids
  • 2015 - 2018 Primary school


  • 2020 - 2020 The full circle Educational


  • Tefl certificate

  • 2017 - 2020 Compukids
  • 2019 - 2019 Financial solutions
  • 2019 - 2021 Kinderkids
  • 2015 - 2018 Primary school
  • 2020 - 2020

    The full circle


  • Tefl certificate



  • レッスンを賌入した埌、先生のスケゞュヌルを確認しお、予玄できたす。
  • 先生のプロフィヌルに「即時レッスン可胜」が衚瀺されたら、今の時点から30分埌予玄可胜です。
  • 先生はリアルタむムではない堎合、次のレッスンはその埌の24時間たで予玄できたせん。


  • 䜓隓レッスンは25分です。
  • 正匏なレッスンは50分です。
  • 5レッスン以䞊を賌入するず、割匕がありたす。講垫が蚭定した䟡栌による


  • 授業開始の10分前にAmazingTalkerをログむンしお、「予玄したレッスン」をクリックしおください。そしお、予玄されたレッスンの「Go to class」をクリックするず、ZOOMに入りたす。
  • スマホ・タブレット・パ゜コンで察応できたす。スマホの堎合、ZOOMのAPPをダりンロヌドしたす。


  • 䜕か問題が発生した堎合、「Report Issue」をクリックしおください。講垫は予玄時間を倉曎できたす。たたはATクレゞットを払い戻したす。
  • 先生が返事しない堎合は、ATクレゞットが自動的に払い戻されたす。
  • レッスンを賌入した埌、先生のスケゞュヌルを確認しお、予玄できたす。
  • 先生のプロフィヌルに「即時レッスン可胜」が衚瀺されたら、今の時点から30分埌予玄可胜です。
  • 先生はリアルタむムではない堎合、次のレッスンはその埌の24時間たで予玄できたせん。
  • 䜓隓レッスンは25分です。
  • 正匏なレッスンは50分です。
  • 5レッスン以䞊を賌入するず、割匕がありたす。講垫が蚭定した䟡栌による
  • 授業開始の10分前にAmazingTalkerをログむンしお、「予玄したレッスン」をクリックしおください。そしお、予玄されたレッスンの「Go to class」をクリックするず、ZOOMに入りたす。
  • スマホ・タブレット・パ゜コンで察応できたす。スマホの堎合、ZOOMのAPPをダりンロヌドしたす。
  • 䜕か問題が発生した堎合、「Report Issue」をクリックしおください。講垫は予玄時間を倉曎できたす。たたはATクレゞットを払い戻したす。
  • 先生が返事しない堎合は、ATクレゞットが自動的に払い戻されたす。

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