
Teacher Laura🏆DELE and Conversational Expert

Friendliest Spanish Teacher


中国語A1 初心者
英語C1 上級
Hi everyone! I'm Teacher Laura from Venezuela and before telling you a bit about myself, let me show you what some of my students have to say about my lessons: 🏆Laura is an excellent teacher. I've been taking lessons with her for over a year and my Spanish has improved a LOT. I can't see myself with another tutor. 🏆The teacher is very good and we can learn a lot from the lessons. The teaching material is very nice too! 🏆Laura is an outstanding educator. knows when to push and when to bring it back a bit. Very encouraging and patient. I can't imagine finding a better instructor. Ok, Ok, now let me introduce myself 😍 ✨ Fluent in English, Portuguese, Italian, and Chinese. So I can fully understand the difficulties of learning a new language 💪 ✨ Helped more than 500 students achieve their professional goals ✨Disciplined yet friendly teaching style ✨ Passionate about learning new languages and teaching Spanish 🏆What sets me apart: 🥇 I will identify your weaknesses, and customize your lessons before and throughout the course, helping you to achieve better improvements 🥇 I will make you fall In love with the language and Latin America's culture 🥇 Utilize various fun materials, interactive and engaging conversations, listening, and pronunciation practice on a daily basis ✨ What to expect: ✔ Gain confidence when speaking to native speakers ✔ Enrich and strengthen your vocabulary ✔ Enhance your listening and conversational skills ✔ Learn slang words and different types of accents ✔ Pass any official exams DELE (All levels), SIELE Imagine being able to travel through any Spanish-speaking country with the confidence to communicate and immerse yourself in the local culture without the need for a translator. If you share my passion for the Spanish language, you've come to the right place. Together, let's embrace the beauty of the Spanish language, expand your horizons, and unlock your true potential! 🌈🌍 👉Patience is Key to Your Success in Life, thus I can help you build your confidence when talking to native speakers. 📝Learning materials (Based on various workbooks and websites) - Spanish business vocabulary - Travel vocabulary - DELE (A1, A2 and B1) - South America history and culture - Daily Spanish - Interview preparation - Free talking 👩‍🏫Learning areas -Improve your pronunciation. -Learn the local expressions -No boring grammar only fun -Multiple interesting and fun exercises -Presentations, songs and videos -24/7 Q&A 👩‍🎓Teacher’s past experiences -Mother tongue: Spanish and Portuguese -Graduate from top university in Venezuela -Spanish, English and Portuguese translator for various companies -Tutor online and offline for a language school -Enterpreneurs, master and primary school students If you can't attend the class 1. Please let the teacher know in advanced, at least 6 hours before to start. 2. Within 12 hours, please contact the teacher. For the first time, 100% of the fee will be returned, the second time 50%. Less than 6 hours NO refund will be made. 3. Being absent without informing = No refund...


Around 40% off compared to 1-on-1 lessons🔥 Limited discount seats!
‖Total beginners‖ ‖Intermediate to Advanced level‖ ✨40% off compare to 1-1 lesson ✨ Small Group lessons?🤓 🎯‖Total beginners - Start from zero‖ 👥2-3 students 🏆 Lesson Goal Be familiar and master pronunciation, get full immersion in Spanish basic grammar and be able to communicate with native Speakers from day 1 💎‖Intermediate to Advanced level‖ Boost your Speaking Skills and obtain the confidence you need to master this language. SPEAK and EXPRESS youself like a native 👏 Feel free to contact me for more info, lessons details can be adjusted 💖More discount if you purchase both 1-on-1 and group lessons 🤞
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(大学スペイン語レッスンのレビュー1 )

  • Calvin Tang
    1月 30, 2024
    Teacher Laura es muy bien! She has a very good plan to test my ability and then tells me how she would teach in her lessons. I look forward to working with Teacher Laura to improve my Spanish and to be able to hablo and entiendo espanol with no problem! thanks~
  • Mohammad
    1月 26, 2024
    I found the teacher Laura as a professional who fully understands the needs of each student individually with high teaching methods that give the students improve their communication skills in Spanish in shortest time. Highly recommended


Meses del año-months




  • 2018 - 2020 Private online Spanish teaching
  • 2017 - 2019 ARCTECH SOLAR HOLDING CO., LTD, Shanghai, China
  • 2014 - 2016 SUPREME TRIBUNAL OF JUSTICE, Caracas, Venezuela
  • 2012 - 2014 CORPORACION JURIDICA TPL, Caracas, Venezuela


  • 2006 - 2012 Universidad Central de Venezuela Laws

  • 2016 - 2017 Centro Lingüística Aplicada Enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera

  • 2018 - 2020 Private online Spanish teaching
  • 2017 - 2019 ARCTECH SOLAR HOLDING CO., LTD, Shanghai, China
  • 2014 - 2016 SUPREME TRIBUNAL OF JUSTICE, Caracas, Venezuela
  • 2012 - 2014 CORPORACION JURIDICA TPL, Caracas, Venezuela
  • 2006 - 2012

    Universidad Central de Venezuela


  • 2016 - 2017

    Centro Lingüística Aplicada

    Enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera



  • レッスンを購入した後、先生のスケジュールを確認して、予約できます。
  • 先生のプロフィールに「即時レッスン可能」が表示されたら、今の時点から30分後予約可能です。
  • 先生はリアルタイムではない場合、次のレッスンはその後の24時間まで予約できません。


  • 体験レッスンは25分です。
  • 正式なレッスンは50分です。
  • 5レッスン以上を購入すると、割引があります。(講師が設定した価格による)


  • 授業開始の10分前にAmazingTalkerをログインして、「予約したレッスン」をクリックしてください。そして、予約されたレッスンの「Go to class」をクリックすると、ZOOMに入ります。
  • スマホ・タブレット・パソコンで対応できます。スマホの場合、ZOOMのAPPをダウンロードします。


  • 何か問題が発生した場合、「Report Issue」をクリックしてください。講師は予約時間を変更できます。またはATクレジットを払い戻します。
  • 先生が返事しない場合は、ATクレジットが自動的に払い戻されます。
  • レッスンを購入した後、先生のスケジュールを確認して、予約できます。
  • 先生のプロフィールに「即時レッスン可能」が表示されたら、今の時点から30分後予約可能です。
  • 先生はリアルタイムではない場合、次のレッスンはその後の24時間まで予約できません。
  • 体験レッスンは25分です。
  • 正式なレッスンは50分です。
  • 5レッスン以上を購入すると、割引があります。(講師が設定した価格による)
  • 授業開始の10分前にAmazingTalkerをログインして、「予約したレッスン」をクリックしてください。そして、予約されたレッスンの「Go to class」をクリックすると、ZOOMに入ります。
  • スマホ・タブレット・パソコンで対応できます。スマホの場合、ZOOMのAPPをダウンロードします。
  • 何か問題が発生した場合、「Report Issue」をクリックしてください。講師は予約時間を変更できます。またはATクレジットを払い戻します。
  • 先生が返事しない場合は、ATクレジットが自動的に払い戻されます。

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