Reading signs in korean on the Subway to my mom

It's a bit of an odd story but my mom was pointing out a digital sign on the subway in the US and asked me if it was written in Korean. Spoiler alert: it wasn't. I started to explain the differences between Korean and the language she was looking at, Thai.
She was having a hard time visualizing it so I got out a napkin and a pen from my bag (I didn't have any paper) and I wrote my name and her name in Hangul. I explained how the sounds were made, each letter corresponds to a phoneme.
Then we did see a sign in Korean and I sounded it out for her and told her what sound each character made. I could only recognize a few of the words but just being able to read Hangul made it a really rewarding experience. Now my mom is telling all her friends about it and they want me to write their names in Hangul as well! haha


TOPIK, 맞춤 한국어, 회화
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TOPIK, 맞춤 한국어, 회화
안녕하세요~ 한가희 선생님입니다♬ ☆ 경력 5년 ☆ 한국어/프랑스어 능력자 ☆ ♥ 학생 맞춤으로 한국어를 가르쳐 드립니다! ♥ 영화, 드라마, 음악을 통해서 배우고 싶은 분 ♥ TOPIK 자격증이 필요한 분 ♥ 한국어 말하기를 연습하고 싶으신 분 ♡ 모두 모두 환영합니다 ♡

1 则留言

  • I like your story
    That must have been wonderful!
    I really hope you can have more fun and rewarding experiences as you learn Korean
    Keep going! :) You will reach your own goal :)
    If you have any Korean question, just feel free to message me!