Daily life story with Dani!!

Having taught English grammar in Korea but not having the opportunity to speak, I decided to register as a teacher and student at Amazing Talker. Then I met Dani. Dani is South African. Wow! When can I go there? I'm scared and I don't have the courage. But it was so nice to receive beautiful pictures about Africa and hear the explanation through Dani. She tries to bring out my English that only lingers in my head one by one. English is just a means, but it is so nice to know her like a friend through AT.
The first picture is New Year's Day. The second and third are pictures of Danny's Christmas party.The fourth and fifth are her daily surroundings.
Actually, I had pictures of Danny's family, but I had to get permission because it was her privacy.


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💎FET专家 - B1级别 💎 母语者,拥有硕士学位 💎 国际教学经验 💎 剑桥认证 + 英语教学证书 💎 1000+ 五星评价 💎 与来自台湾、香港、韩国和法国的学生有超过10年的经验 💎 职业教师,同时环游世界 – 教学不停歇 💎 培养学生达到母语水平 – A1-C2 ⚡⚡ 𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗮 𝗧𝗥𝗜𝗔𝗟 𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗡𝗢𝗪 ⚡⚡ 🔥我的风格 💥 快乐友好 💥 无压力 – 学英语很有趣 舒 💥适且目标导向 💥 有问题 - 随时问我! 👁‍🗨课程简介 ? 🟥之前 – 确定您学习的目标和目标 🟨期间 – 评估水平 > 创造对话 > 使其有趣 🟦之后 – 提供反馈和实现目标的路线图
