My Loving 💕 Teacher

I am Chanya, i am from Turkey , i am eleven years old.English is my second language .people who can speak english in over country have very good opportunity to do a very good job.As a student ,one day i want to do a good job in the futue. Therfore learning english is very important to me. So i always try to learn english.I learn english as a subject in the school . But it is not enough me to improve my english knowledge as a native speakers.
Therefore my father looked for on line vourse to learn english. Then i met my lovely teacher Jacky.She is from United State. She is very good and beautiful .i am still learning from her.she taught me a lot of things like how to make english sentenses, how to study vocabulary and always encourage me to speak in English. Now i can speak a little bit.But i want to be fluent. I know my teacher Jacky will help me to improve my english knowledge.i work hard to learn english with her. learning english with her is very interesting.i love my teacher Jacky very much.Thank you my teacher Jacky.
