My English Class Experience: A Journey Towards Confidence

Ive always been a bit shy when it comes to speaking English, even though I studied it in school. The fear of making mistakes or not being understood held me back from expressing myself confidently. But all that changed when I decided to enroll in an English class at Amazing Talker

From day one, our teacher created a warm and welcoming environment where I felt encouraged to participate. She made it clear that making mistakes was part of the learning process and that I shouldn't be afraid to speak up. This was a game-changer for me. Instead of feeling anxious about speaking, I started to see it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

The class covered a variety of topics, from grammar and vocabulary to pronunciation and idiomatic expressions. One of the most helpful aspects of the course was the emphasis on practical communication skills. Teacher organized activities like role-plays, group discussions, and presentations, which gave mw a opportunities to practice speaking in real-life situations.

One memorable activity was the speed-chatting exercise, where I had to switch conversation topic every few minutes. It was an excellent opportunity to practice small talk and become more comfortable with speaking to different people


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全球溝通和信心專家💡國際暢銷書作家✍️ 超過25 年的個人、企業、高級領導者和電視名人轉型和領導力輔導經驗✨ 合格的正念和NLP 教練🌟 英國原住民🇬🇧 意大利語雙語🇮🇹 播客和內容創作者🎙️ 專業、完全合格的音樂家和 5 個青少年/成年女兒的母親🏃‍♀👭👭客戶表示:“Allegra 擁有出色的教學技能,並對每個學生採取獨特的個性化方法。她超越了傳統的語言課程,創造了一個激勵和關愛的環境。Allegra 的奉獻精神確保學生獲得取得優異成績所需的關注和指導。她知識淵博,非常友善和貼心,讓學習過程充滿樂趣和啟發。在她的指導下,我的英語技能得到了根本性的提高,並獲得了成功的寶貴資源激勵, Allegra是一位真正關心發展和成長的傑出導師……我非常感激有她作為我的英語老師和精神導師。”
