Beautiful memories with Asma

Asma tell me "IELTS is difficult but not impossible," with her special plan, I got an overall 7 in 1.5 months!! First, I really appreciate her encouragement even when I don’t believe in myself. I get to make much effort in the beginning, luckily, Asma encouragements and kindness are helpful for me especially since I lack confidence. She is strategic but not strict, which motivated me to push myself forward and face the monsters in my mind.
What's more special is that when we breeze over our daily life and cultural differences, it seems like we share similar interests, values, and concerns, even though we come from different cultural backgrounds, it's amazing!
Asma always being patient with me and teaches me like a good friend!!


雅思小班課程(半價優惠) 🥇
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普通話B1 進階級
雅思小班課程(半價優惠) 🥇
普通話B1 進階級
粤语B1 進階級
🍑七年雅思教學經驗 🍑旅居海外🍑戰略口説寫作 🍑保證七分以上 🍑適合初學者 🍑雅思模擬考試試卷  🍓先教應試技巧 🍓再做練習 🍓拿到理想分數 🍓課堂為英語   🍑小孩子好玩英語 🍑唱歌跳舞  🍓給予心理輔導 💜色彩教材💜會話課程💜商業英語💜糾正發音 🔥注意力🔥 🥇我真的很高兴有阿斯玛帮助我考雅思。我在组织想法和使用更复杂的句子方面遇到了困难。❤ Asma 能够快速发现我的问题并提供适当的指导。她注意我的演讲,并立即纠正我的语法错误,这有助于我更加自觉地犯这些错误。🥇

1 则留言

  • Dear Cindy♥️I’m so happy for you🤩you’re one of the most hardworking people I’ve ever met🔥 always be motivated and passionate to achieve your goals🔥