Chinese: A Love Story

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

For me, this couldn't be more true. For the past five years, I have been working with a Chinese company that has opened my eyes up to a whole new world -- new sounds, new experiences, and friends.

And behind the art of these new colors that now filled my life was Mandarin. It was all around me and fascinated me. The stories behind each stroke and character were almost beyond my comprehension. But what kept me grounded in my journey to start learning this language were the blossoming relationships I was making abroad.

Thus, these were not simple characters or sounds but faces. Faces that I would become to cherish and even love. Learning Mandarin has allowed me to live and love more fully -- embracing others and celebrating our humanity together.

When my self-study was beginning to plateau, I began to look for a teacher. I had no idea how lucky I would be to find such an amazing teacher as Iris. And I do not say this lightly. I come from a family of teachers. My grandmother was a teacher, my mother is still a teacher, and I am licensed to teach ESL myself. Teaching is an art form, a science, and a skill.

My point being... Iris is phenomenal! Not only did she have prepared materials but I could tell that she was making original materials for me based on things I both requested and that she felt I could use to better facilitate classroom instruction. And did it stop there? No! Emphatically, no. She suggested tv shows, movies, music, poetry, anything that I wanted to be exposed to!

I am eternally grateful to have found such a qualified teacher so that I can proudly represent her in this way. She is my hero! Teachers of this caliber are my hero! Not only has she advanced my Mandarin beyond my expectations but she has even made me better understand how to connect with the people I meet and how people are really speaking in their homes.

Thank you Iris for being such an Amazing Teacher!

我和普通话爱情故事 -- 感谢你为我做的一切!

Trevor 张义楷


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