Never Give Up On Your Dream

Bonjour a tous !
Today I like to share a story about my dream to learn French .I have a dream to learn French ever since college time when my classmate an Indonesian know how to speak French and from that time onwards I fell in love with the beautiful French Language.

For the past 17 years I didn't take any action to really learn up my language in the past because in Malaysia either you must go to a language center and you can go to Alliance Francaise to learn it .To be honest 10-15 years back even though Internet already existed but to learn language in Malaysia definitely have to attend physical class and the challenges I face back then is to find a good language center or a good language teacher is hard. Not really such thing as online class or teaching like now as a norm.

If you go Alliance Francaise they only have center in Kuala Lumpur or Penang and the class fee is overly expensive for me back then when I was just a fresh graduate earning less than RM2000 per month .I can't even afford to pay for a semester in AFKL back then .

Fast forward to current, despite being older and earning more money and enrolling myself to learn French with AFKL . I find that the AFKL focus on more traditional method and my first semester experience I'm completely lost and I always use the sentence ,"Je suis perdu." which mean in French I'm lost all the time to my teacher .

Finally I decide to get a private tutor to help me in practicing my French Pronunciation because in AFKL is a group class and sometimes teacher can focus too much when you have a group of 8 students therefore I decide to find private tutor .
I want to say thank god that I found Amazing Talker Platform because if it wasn't for this platform I would have met my current private French Tutor Julien .

Honestly I did few trial class but I ended up sticking with Julien teacher because I really like to learn with him as I saw improvement on my French understanding and basic pronunciation even within 2-3 class with him . He has a lot of experience in teaching French overseas and the material he uses is very good material and easy to understand .He also provide a a lot of notes like verbs or phrase for me to practice during my free time .

What I like about learning with Julien in Amazing Talker is everything is online (due to pandemics situation ) and I can choose the time schedule whenever I want to learn French (due to my busy working schedule ).Despite the time difference with my private tutor Julien ,I still managed to consistency attend his class and also he is a very patient and good teacher who makes me want it continue learning French with him as I saw much improvement in my French even in such as short time .

As for me I don't mind paying more for his service but Julien teacher fees is quite reasonable and he easy to discuss .He always encourage his student to always make time to practice French even after class time and always emphasize the importance of self practicing at home .He always encourage me ( I won't say force :) ) because he know if I spent more time practicing French using his notes ,I will massively improve my French very fast and true enough I took his advice and force myself to do so even though I'm super lazy.

Therefore ,I'm thankful I come across this platform when I'm searching for a private tutor in French .I also recommended my tutor to my other 2 friends and they also follow me to learn from him as well .

Enough said .I can write a thousand words to beautify this story but the result would show itself .I hope one day I can write a full story like this in French hopefully. Nevertheless never give up on your dream even though you think you are too old to learn .I'm nearly 40 and it never too late to learn any language that you been dreaming to learn .

My best advice to student is ,get the right teacher ,he or she would inspire you to continue moving forwards .Last but not least never give up .Merci. A bientot !


在 𝟒𝟎 小時內說法語! ⭐️
/ 50分钟
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普通話B1 進階級
英文C2 精通級
在 𝟒𝟎 小時內說法語! ⭐️
普通話B1 進階級
英文C2 精通級
𝟏𝟐多年教学经验 💎 在 𝟒𝟎 小时内学习和说法语! 🔥 认证𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐅考官(从𝐀𝟏至𝐂𝟐)🏆 成功率 = 𝟏𝟎𝟎% 🏆 我教任何水平的学生!🌈 联系我并获得 𝟐𝟓 分钟的试听课!⭐️ 来看看学生怎么说 👉👉👉 完全能感受到 𝐉𝐔𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐍 老师对教学的热忱!很幸运遇到老师!联系我即可获得25分钟免费试听课程!我是法国人,出生在巴黎。我很友好,热情,非常有耐心!我可以帮助你准备并在 DELF 考试中取得成功,我也可以帮助你练习你的会话、理解、语法、拼写和词汇,并提高你的法语,无论你的实际水平是什么👩🎓 我喜欢教书和帮助我的学生进步!⭐因此,如果您有任何问题,请随时与我联系,一起学习法语! 😃如果您有任何问题,请随时与我联系,并一起,让我们学法语! ✌️🔥

1 则留言

  • 恭喜您找到適合自己的老師,我也一樣,我的老師是熱門的老師,對每一位飛行學生設計客製化的課程,從聊天當中都能感覺到老師的用心,我幾乎找不到第二個像老師這樣子的備課跟分析學生的學習需求,並能達到學生的英文目標,如果按照老師的安排,在短時間就會有成效。
    最近我寫了一篇英文的學習心得,裡面有一些老師教的學英文的方法,想請大家多多支持按個喜歡,衷心地感謝大家的鼓勵, 也祝大家的學業蒸蒸日上!💪😊😄


    Hello guys, this is my English learning story

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