Treasures of Learning

It was like finding a TREASURE with Teacher Melody being your mentor. She has all the materials to push your English learning to a new level and on top of that, she is really willing to assist you in understanding your weakness to be able to find your new self. Have you ever imagine how many teachers are available on this platform? Have you ever ask yourself who is the best available teacher that is good match for you? My advice is don’t worry and relax and be yourself because with Teacher Melody she will make sure that you will be comfortable with her approach and will even give you options that will suit on your needs. The class that I did with her was so unforgettable even though we are thousand, thousand miles away. I remember when we are doing the class she let me be myself and I was glad that she was able to analyze on which part I need to improve my learning which I did not notice because of this chance getting a class with her I saw and discover my new improve self that studying the English language can empower you to make new friends, to prepare for new opportunities, and finding satisfaction in an unexpected way was really a mind-blowing experience. Can't wait to speak like a Native English speaker with an accent and much better pronunciation. I hope you enjoy reading my story from the beginning until the end. Let's all be AmazingTalkers in learning the English language or any new language that you are striving for! Please like my story and if you have any comments or anything to say about it please do. Once again thank you and I hope you find this story inspirational.


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英文C2 精通級
英文C2 精通級
適應西方文化,移民留學輕鬆對接 🤝 搭建商務信任度,營造雙贏局面 🥂 超越膚淺的話題,建立長久友誼✌️ 迎接全世界文化,多維度思考問題 🗝️ 外國同事是否經常抱怨聽不懂你講的英文?和外國友人深度交流是否經常詞窮句短?我教你批判性思維、高端商業英文、社交技巧,讓你與人深度對話魅力四射侃侃而談!

4 则留言

  • I work for Melody and I can definitely say that she's of big help not only to her students but also to us, her team. She really wants us to improve and grow in all aspects. Also, she cares so much for her students and always wants the best for them. Highly recommended!
  • I know Melody because she is also my mentor/coach. She is just great. Very recommendable!
  • nice
  • Thank you, Jerome!! It has been my pleasure to be part of your growth journey! Seeing the personal transformation is the biggest motivator for me :)