
Lea 🥑 HR Consultant l Career Coach l Job Preparation l Workplace Consultation

Mock Interview, Resume Review


英文C1 流利級
日文A2 基礎級
Hi, I'm Lea 👋 I have nearly 10 years of experience in the HR field, specializing in talent and organizational development. I've recruited various talents for companies and designed numerous HR systems, such as job grading, performance, and compensation management. I have worked in Taipei and Shanghai, and I am currently pursuing an MBA in Germany. Around the age of 30, I experienced a significant turning point in my life. My first encounter with panic attacks made me realize that only by honestly facing myself and exploring my true self could I regain control of my life. After embarking on a journey of self-healing, I gradually transformed from seeing the glass as "half-empty" to seeing it as "half-full." Therefore, I hope to use my personal experience, combined with my accumulated knowledge and methods in psychology and HR, to help you realize that you have choices and to live the life you want. Life is not easy, but I believe in the power of knowledge, methods, and conversation. I also believe that having a "coach" to accompany you on this journey can help you train the muscles of your brain circuits more quickly and rewrite your life. Here is the assistance I can provide. Of course, we can also design the course content according to your needs: ▋Life Support ▋ 🥑 Self-exploration: Using psychological tools and guided conversations to help you explore your "factory settings" and find the most suitable "usage methods." 🍎 Emotional healing: Understanding what emotions are and where they come from. Helping you build daily awareness skills, deconstruct emotions step by step, find ways to cope with them, and change brain circuits. 🍆 Life transformation: Exploring life goals, designing your own life blueprint, and finding suitable methods to experiment in life and establish habits that make your life better. 🥝 Be an ear: Just want to be heard? No problem, I’ll listen, you talk. Feel free to express your emotions and stress. ▋Career Support ▋ 🍔 Career design: Exploring career directions that align with your life values and talents, designing your own career blueprint and goals. 🍕 Job preparation: Providing resume adjustment advice, practicing mock interviews in both Chinese and English, formulating salary negotiation strategies, and helping you achieve your target position. 🌭 Workplace consultation: Addressing various workplace issues, including interpersonal relationships and work motivation. We will discuss and find the most suitable solutions together. ll Trial Class ll After booking, please message me to explain your needs. During the class, we will focus on discussing these needs and come up with a suitable coaching plan together. 📝 ll Regular Class ll Please prepare a blank notebook and a curious mind. Let’s embark on this new life journey together. 🏃‍♀️
超过 5 堂课以上有额外的优惠,可在下方看到价格或是购物车选择!



2 笔职涯辅导课程评价

  • 匿名
    2024 年 7月12 日
    老師剛進入平台,我很幸運能夠遇見老師!! 我上過很多職涯諮商課程 但這位老師課程的質量,價錢太便宜了! 老師很用心傾聽並且有敏銳的洞察力 以引導的方式,帶領我看見事情背後的動機。 老師很親切、好溝通、敏銳觀察力 或許是老師豐富的國外工作經驗 使得她能夠用多視角欣賞及看見我的可能性 也能夠有系統的討論及規劃課程 幫助我有進度的更加認識自己
  • 匿名
    2024 年 7月19 日
显示全部 2 则评价




  • 2018 - 2023 WTW
  • 2017 - 2018 Trend Micro
  • 2015 - 2016 Apple
  • 2014 - 2015 AIESEC


  • 2023 - 2024 Mannheim Business School MBA

  • 2010 - 2015 National Chiao Tung University Humanity and Social Science

  • 2018 - 2023 WTW
  • 2017 - 2018 Trend Micro
  • 2015 - 2016 Apple
  • 2014 - 2015 AIESEC
  • 2023 - 2024

    Mannheim Business School


  • 2010 - 2015

    National Chiao Tung University

    Humanity and Social Science



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  • 如教师未在在线最快可预约 24 小时之后的课程


  • 体验课程课时约为 25 分钟
  • 正式课程课时约为 50 分钟
  • 正式课程购买超过 5 堂有额外折扣(视老师开课价额而定)


  • 开课前 10 分钟进入网站,选择『我的课程』找到该堂课并点选『进入教室』,即可开启 ZOOM 教室开始上课
  • 手机、计算机皆可使用 ZOOM 上课(手机请先下载 ZOOM 应用程序)


  • 当课程发生问题可选择『回报问题』,可由教师选择重新预约或是退AT币
  • 如教师超过12小时未给予回复,系统将自动退AT币给您
  • 购买课程后可依照教师行事历的时间预约课程
  • 如教师显示『可实时授课』则可立即预约教师待会的时间
  • 如教师未在在线最快可预约 24 小时之后的课程
  • 体验课程课时约为 25 分钟
  • 正式课程课时约为 50 分钟
  • 正式课程购买超过 5 堂有额外折扣(视老师开课价额而定)
  • 开课前 10 分钟进入网站,选择『我的课程』找到该堂课并点选『进入教室』,即可开启 ZOOM 教室开始上课
  • 手机、计算机皆可使用 ZOOM 上课(手机请先下载 ZOOM 应用程序)
  • 当课程发生问题可选择『回报问题』,可由教师选择重新预约或是退AT币
  • 如教师超过12小时未给予回复,系统将自动退AT币给您


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