Visible TOEFL score improvement in 10 classes

As the saying goes, "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles," I think having a good tutor who tells you how you are performing and what ETS expects for a high scorer is very important. Hannah is a very experienced tutor and she knows the TOEFL exam well. She pointed out key points I once neglected when I prepared for the exam alone last year. Thanks to her tutoring, I knew where my weaknesses were and could focus my efforts on those, which improved my scores in a short amount of time. All in all, Hannah is a patient and professional tutor you wouldn't want to miss.


/ 50分鐘
/ 體驗堂
普通話A1 入門級
英文C2 精通級
普通話A1 入門級
英文C2 精通級
韓文B2 高階級
您好,您是否正在为英语听、说、写或读而苦恼? 或者你想在托福考试中取得高分以备大学录取之用?我在这里!我的大多数学生托福成绩超过 100 🥇帮助您在限定时间内完成写作,并指导您如何用更高级的单词扩展您的文章 🥇至于英语口语,我会分享你可以用来提高分数的英语习语或短语 💁TOEFL & DUOLINGO 认证教师指导大量国际学生并完成超过 1000 节课程,包括 AT 课程 ✅已在Fiverr网站担任英语写作导师3年 ✅已在俄罗斯一所学校远程担任雅思/托福辅导老师 1 年

1 則留言

  • Wow, Congratulations 🎉, Jennifer!!
    I'm thrilled to hear that you've achieved an overall score of 114.

    Also, thank you for such a fantastic review!!