I took a small but significant step to my dream

【Mandarin and English versions are both included】



另一個印象深刻的是,英文若想問你剛看到什麼是what did you just see? 但在印尼文apa(what)後面一定要加某個東西,所以會是apa(what) yang(that) kamu(you) lihat(see) tadi(just)?

★Why do I want to learn Bahasa Indonesia?
Nearly every time I mentioned I was learning Bahasa Indonesia, others would ask “what for?” If I were a businessman, then probably I would learn it to expand my business to Indonesia. Were one of my parents from Indonesia, then likely I would learn it to build a more intimate relationship with him or her. However, I am a counseling major to be without Indonesian descent. In this case, why is it?

★My learning journey started with a joke
I’m not joking. My learning journey did start with a joke. During my university life, due to my relatively dark skin color and pronounced facial feature among Taiwanese, I was usually taken as one of their counterparts by Malaysian and Indonesian. One day I joked “what if I learn Malay and Indonesian to disguise better as Malaysian and Indonesian?” In the beginning, my Malaysian friends and I just burst out laughing. As the joke repeated, however, we somehow took it seriously and I set out my learning journey to Malay and Indonesian. Every time we met in class or on the campus, they taught me some basics of Malay. In the meanwhile, I found a language exchange partner to learn Indonesian once a week. After that, I went volunteering for 6 weeks in a village in Malaysia, a rural area where people hardly speak English and thus made for a perfect environment to practice Malay. At first, the locals often laughed at my broken Malay, but week after week, at last, I could easily order meals with fluent Malay. In this phase, I learned Malay and Indonesian mostly for fun, and indeed, I not only enjoyed myself but also gained more confidence in learning a new language. However, it was obvious that my pronunciation still left a lot to be desired and that shifting between Malay and Indonesian can be confusing to me sometimes. Although well aware of the above-mentioned room for improvement, I was so busy with my practicum that I didn’t keep polishing my Malay or Indonesian.

★Learning Indonesian as my professional development
After my practicum, I was lucky to be granted admission to the graduate school of counseling. One day I told a friend of mine who was a social worker that I was going to major in counseling, she encouraged me to research on the mental health issues among migrant workers and new immigrants from Southeast Asia as the counseling service for them still left a lot to be desired. There is usually a large language gap between counselors and these clients given that these clients don’t always speak fluent Mandarin and that few counselors speak the first language of these clients. To bridge the gap, interpreters are often needed. However, given that these interpreters are seldom equipped with the expertise either in interpretation or in counseling, they may have difficulties understanding and conveying counselors’ expressions, and even taking care of themselves after engaging in a therapy session. To tackle this challenge, apart from improving interpreters’ translating and counseling skills, ideally, it will be of equal importance for counselors to learn these clients’ first languages to avoid misunderstanding during the therapy session. As a counselor to be who has ever learned Indonesian, I am willing to make the above-mentioned solution a reality rather than a fantasy.
Consequently, last month I made up my mind to learn Indonesian-from the basic one to the advanced one-and to reach a B2 level in two years.

★Took a small but significant step to my dream
Since the very first class with Hendri, my pronunciation has improved a lot with the aid of his expertise in phonology. Namely, Hendri always shows me where I should put my tongue and allows me to practice repeatedly after giving me corrective feedback. I am impressed by his saying that constant practice based on corrective feedback helps make it a habit to speak articulately. As far as I am concerned, what he said is true! After five classes, what I am most proud of myself now is that I could pronounce “r” sound in a more Indonesian style.
Besides learning a new language, I would say these five classes also improve my cognitive flexibility, the ability to think in various ways. Take vowel weakening as an example. “A” is usually turned into[ə]in English, but it is not the case in Indonesian. Interestingly, I have made lots of efforts to weaken vowels in learning English, but now I’ve got to do something opposite. Another example is to ask “what did you just see” in Indonesian, we can’t say”apa(what) kamu(you) lihat(see) tadi(just)?” Rather, we should ask “apa yang(that) kamu lihat tadi?” as there must be a thing after apa(what).
A small step as these five classes may seem, they are truly a significant start to becoming a counselor that can help migrant workers and new immigrants!

Les professeurs

Tutor Bahasa Indonesia
/ 50 min
/ Cours d'essai
chinoisA2 Élémentaire
anglaisC2 Maîtrise
Tutor Bahasa Indonesia
chinoisA2 Élémentaire
anglaisC2 Maîtrise
Mengapa Anda harus belajar dengan saya? - Fasih berbahasa Inggris - Guru terbaik untuk keterampilan percakapan - 6+ tahun pengalaman mengajar - Aksen netral yang jelas dan mikrofon berkualitas tinggi - Kuasai bahasa formal, informal, gaul, idiom, dan sehari-hari - Kuasai 5 aksen bahasa Indonesia atau bahkan lebih
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26 avis

  • Baru hari ini saya membaca tulisanmu. Sangat terlambat. Ini keren!
  • 嗨!這是我學英文的故事
    給我一點鼓勵 投一個愛心💖 非常謝謝😊
    Hello! teacher, This is my English learning story
    If you like my story, please give me a like💖
    Give me encouragement, Thank you so much 😊
  • Halo 蕭凱元, senang sekali membaca cerita kamu belajar bahasa Indonesia. Tetap semangat ya.
  • Liou Bin哈哈哈哈我們都算是學習的夥伴啦!相信你可以的~
  • 我2020.11月才在這學印尼語,我算是後輩,去馬來西亞和新加坡回來才自學一陣子,希望我也能練好去公園和台北車站地下街印尼餐廳自在聊天,更重要的是我還沒去過印尼,我想去雅加達和佛羅浮屠。
  • Charles謝謝你,發現之前已經幫你按讚了哈哈! 祝你語言學習還有比賽都順利喔~
  • 令人感動的語言旅程
    以下是我的學習故事 歡迎進來看看 幫我按愛心相互鼓勵
  • 嗨,很開心你看了我的故事!一開始點進來看照片還真的以為你是印尼人 XD 感覺你學印尼文的目標比我明確許多,一起加油吧!
  • 相信多會一個語言,絕對會在自己原本的專業領域上會是個有利的工具...更可以透過新學會的語言看到不一樣的世界....
    這也是我學日文的感受~ 有空也歡迎來看看我的故事幫我按愛心^^謝謝
  • Shuh Feei Koh謝謝你的回饋!很高興我的文字與故事可以感動到你~如果可以幫我按喜歡會對我更有幫助,因為有機會獲得課程折價券,更沒有負擔的學習唷!按成功的話愛心會變成紅色的~謝謝你:)
  • 感动!
  • Thanks for your lovely comment! Your like will help me stick with learning Indonesian by giving me a chance to win the voucher. It will be of great help if you press the heart at the end of the article. The heart will turn red if you like it successfully. Thanks a lot!
  • Lovely story of determination.
  • 加油!
  • Wish you all the best!
  • Wish you the best
  • 追夢者,祝你順利!
  • 希望你繼續朝目標前進,日後可以幫助新住民與移工,紓緩他們的情緒以及反映他們碰到的問題,一同努力,非常厲害的目標啊!
  • Good luck pursuing your dream!!!!
  • Good luck pursuing your dream!!!!
  • That was an interesting story! Wish you all the best!
  • Selamat berjuang, saya tahu kamu pasti bisa! Semangat dan jangan menyerah!
  • All of you guys, feel free to message me if you want to learn indonesian. We can discuss what material that you want to learn
  • Your story is so interesting and fun! I believe that you will do really well in Indonesian and one day your dream will surely come true!
  • Your story was really impressive , keep it up brother 👍
  • I like the spirit that you put up in learning Indonesian Kai. It triggers me as well to provide an effective way to improve your indonesian skill and to help you sound like native Indonesian speaker. You have improved a lot from beginning till now. I'm still curious to see your improvement in each lesson. SEMANGAT.