
Kevin 👋 | Patience 🧘‍♂️ | Empathy 💟 | Certified German Teacher 👨‍🏫

Conversation 💬 | Business 💼


英語C2 熟練
!!! THIS ACCOUNT IST NOT ACTIVE. PLEASE NO INQUIRIES !!! !!! DIESER ACCOUNT IST NICHT AKTIV. BITTE KEINE ANFRAGEN !!! Do you work with German speakers? Then tell me if any of this resonates with you: 👇 ❗ You shy away from using German with your team or colleagues because you're too afraid of making mistakes and causing misunderstandings. ❗ You are stressed during negotiations and other one-on-one settings with German-speaking clients because you think you lack business German vocabulary (idioms, expressions, phrases). ❗ You hesitate to speak up in meetings because you feel that you can't express your thoughts and ideas in German. ❗ You feel redistricted in your written communication because you're unsure about the right wording and phrasing to really bring your message across. ⛔ You know some German, but the language courses you have attended and all the apps you have used have only taken you so far. It has been a while since you really felt progress in that language, and it seems that right now, you're just plateauing. 📈 But you also know that improving your German communication skills would benefit your job performance and give you a HUGE CAREER BOOST! And now imagine this: ✔ You feel amazingly comfortable when talking with your German-speaking team and colleagues because you fully understand them, and you can express yourself clearly. ✔ You feel totally at ease during negotiations and in one-on-one settings because you can use business German vocabulary without difficulties. ✔ You feel calm and confident in meetings because you can communicate your thoughts and ideas clearly in German. ✔ You feel free in your written communication because you can draw from a wide range of German phrases, expressions, and words to get your message across exactly as you intended. 😮 You think this all sounds too good to be true? 👨‍🏫 I can tell you, that as a native German speaker and certified language teacher, I have helped my students over the past 7 years to achieve exactly these things and more. Why? Because I strongly believe that a language barrier should be no reason to hold you back from - 📈 achieving more in your job, - 💲 earning more money, - 💯 reaching your full potential and becoming the best and most successful version of yourself. In my courses, you get: 👇 - 👨🏼‍💼 Over 7 years of tutoring experience, specialized on intermediate/advanced learners (B1+) - 💬 Focus on communication and lots of opportunities to speak - 🚀 Continuous progress to help you reach your goal fast! - 💼 Essential Business German to advance in your Career! - ✨ High quality lessons tailored to your needs and goals Want to find out more? ⏩✉ Contact me to schedule a trial class, so we can talk about your goals and how we can bring your German communications skills to the next level! 🚩 Follow many other students who achieved great results after my classes! ❗️Classroom Rules ❕ ↘️ Bring your pen and a notebook to collect useful expressions in class. ↘️ Always check your connection and devices before class starts. ↘️ Cancel the class 24 hours before class. If you have to cancel a class within 24 hours, be sure you notify me through What’s App/AT Chat



(ドイツ語レッスンのレビュー6 )

  • Jenny
    3月 3, 2023
    Kevin is a very patient and helpful teacher. Today, he corrected my writing which he gave me as homework. Instead of just telling me what I did wrong, he asked me to think about it and find better alternatives for certain words and sentences. It’s very helpful because it makes me understand the logic and structure behind German grammar much better. I really enjoy the class.
  • Anonymous
    3月 1, 2023
    The content was very interesting




  • 2015 今まで Kevin Mickley - Native German Teacher


  • 2011 - 2014 University of Potsdam Institute for Germanistik


  • Deutsch unterrichten

  • 2015 今まで Kevin Mickley - Native German Teacher
  • 2011 - 2014

    University of Potsdam

    Institute for Germanistik

  • Deutsch unterrichten



  • レッスンを購入した後、先生のスケジュールを確認して、予約できます。
  • 先生のプロフィールに「即時レッスン可能」が表示されたら、今の時点から30分後予約可能です。
  • 先生はリアルタイムではない場合、次のレッスンはその後の24時間まで予約できません。


  • 体験レッスンは25分です。
  • 正式なレッスンは50分です。
  • 5レッスン以上を購入すると、割引があります。(講師が設定した価格による)


  • 授業開始の10分前にAmazingTalkerをログインして、「予約したレッスン」をクリックしてください。そして、予約されたレッスンの「Go to class」をクリックすると、ZOOMに入ります。
  • スマホ・タブレット・パソコンで対応できます。スマホの場合、ZOOMのAPPをダウンロードします。


  • 何か問題が発生した場合、「Report Issue」をクリックしてください。講師は予約時間を変更できます。またはATクレジットを払い戻します。
  • 先生が返事しない場合は、ATクレジットが自動的に払い戻されます。
  • レッスンを購入した後、先生のスケジュールを確認して、予約できます。
  • 先生のプロフィールに「即時レッスン可能」が表示されたら、今の時点から30分後予約可能です。
  • 先生はリアルタイムではない場合、次のレッスンはその後の24時間まで予約できません。
  • 体験レッスンは25分です。
  • 正式なレッスンは50分です。
  • 5レッスン以上を購入すると、割引があります。(講師が設定した価格による)
  • 授業開始の10分前にAmazingTalkerをログインして、「予約したレッスン」をクリックしてください。そして、予約されたレッスンの「Go to class」をクリックすると、ZOOMに入ります。
  • スマホ・タブレット・パソコンで対応できます。スマホの場合、ZOOMのAPPをダウンロードします。
  • 何か問題が発生した場合、「Report Issue」をクリックしてください。講師は予約時間を変更できます。またはATクレジットを払い戻します。
  • 先生が返事しない場合は、ATクレジットが自動的に払い戻されます。

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