
248 笔在 惊奇辅导 AmazingTalker 学习的心得评比


  • 5非常好98%
  • 4很好1.6%
  • 3普通0.4%
  • 2不好0%
  • 1非常糟0%

তানিয়া ।বাংলা ভাষা ও সাহিত্যে স্নাতক ও স্নাতকোত্তর।।

2024/04/25 09:41:58
Tania's classes are well structured and she gives plenty of material after each classes as well as homework to guide her students in between each lessons. She's infinitely patient and a real pleasure to talk to. She adapts well to different levels of comprehension. For beginners, she makes sure your bases are solid. Her teaching style is perfect for me. I would love to recommend her to anyone trying to learn Bangla.

আন্তরিকতার আশ্রয়ে ভাষার বিকাশ।

2024/03/07 02:31:41
Johir bhai is a very encouraging teacher who is good at making you work quite hard during a session. He strongly advocates speaking Bangla as the best way to learn the language.

তানিয়া ।বাংলা ভাষা ও সাহিত্যে স্নাতক ও স্নাতকোত্তর।।

2024/01/14 16:03:29
Tania was very attentive to my needs and her lesson was planned, and well structured. I had the opportunity to practice speaking a lot. She was also able to communicate with my 2 year old daughter who attended the lesson with us so that was very pleasant ! Thanks !

বাক্য মুখস্ত না করে কীভাবে কথা বলতে হয় তা শিখুন

2023/07/25 19:33:59
Sraboni is a great teacher. She caters to my learning level. This lesson she introduced new words and sentences which was engaging. She is very flexible and very helpful. :)

🍀🍀আলোর সাথে বাংলা শেখো🇮🇳🎤👩‍🏫

2023/02/27 23:34:45
Good class. I learned past and present participles and structure sentencing for past and present tense. Alokeparna was patient and gracious when I was struggling and encouraging when I was doing well. I am looking forward to my next class.

AI 定制学习计划

留下需求,30 秒内推荐适合您的教师!

🦋ℕ𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕚 老師🦋谈话专家❗为孩子们准备的有趣课程❗🎉

2023/01/05 06:55:54
Nandini was very kind and started with asking about my needs first, which I really appreciated. I think her lessons will be very complete and help me to achieve my goals in learning Bengali.

🍀🍀আলোর সাথে বাংলা শেখো🇮🇳🎤👩‍🏫

2022/10/24 00:47:17
She is very friendly as well as professional. She has well thought out lesson plans and seemed very experienced at her work. She has customized lesson plans and I feel very confident in taking further lessons from her for my 10 yr old.

তানিয়া ।বাংলা ভাষা ও সাহিত্যে স্নাতক ও স্নাতকোত্তর।।

2022/10/24 00:43:02
She was very friendly to my son. It made it easy for my son to speak with her and start learning the lessons. The talk was productive and we gauged each other on how we can proceed.

Ratri - বাংলা ভাষা ও ব্যাকরণে দক্ষ এবং অভিজ্ঞতাসম্পন্ন

2022/06/16 01:19:22
Ratri is very friendly and a great teacher. I would definitely recommend her to anyone looking to learn Bengali. Her lessons are customized by still very in-depth.

🍀🍀আলোর সাথে বাংলা শেখো🇮🇳🎤👩‍🏫

2022/01/13 07:55:38
While I speak Bengali, I approached Alokeparna to improve my reading and writing skills. She was very enthusiastic in the trial lesson and gave me a clear overview of a reading-oriented lesson plan. Look forward to learning more with her. Highly recommend!

তানিয়া ।বাংলা ভাষা ও সাহিত্যে স্নাতক ও স্নাতকোত্তর।।

2021/11/09 22:27:25
Tania was great for our first class, showed me the materials we will be covering, and was happy to adjust with what I already know. Looking forward to more classes!

🍀🍀আলোর সাথে বাংলা শেখো🇮🇳🎤👩‍🏫

2021/09/21 17:20:19
Great first class! Alokeparna is a very good teacher. In just 25 minutes she managed to teach me the basics of formal and informal conversation in Bengali. She always takes the time to explain the meaning of each word and encourages to repeat to improve pronounciation. Excellent methodology. I would definitely recommend her.

🍀🍀আলোর সাথে বাংলা শেখো🇮🇳🎤👩‍🏫

2021/09/20 02:53:38
Alokeparana is a very very good teacher. She is very efficient and talented . I take a lesson on tomorrow I am very impress. She not only teach me Bangala conversation but also teach me pronunciation as well as grammer. I would strogly recommend her to anybody who he is wish to learn Bangla language.

🍀🍀আলোর সাথে বাংলা শেখো🇮🇳🎤👩‍🏫

2021/09/02 22:28:21
Alokeparna is a great teacher! She made the focus of the lesson on what I wanted to learn- while doing this, she simultaneously brought up relevant examples to help me understand more. I would recommend Alokeparna for anyone that wants to take lessons with her.

Ratri - বাংলা ভাষা ও ব্যাকরণে দক্ষ এবং অভিজ্ঞতাসম্পন্ন

2021/06/09 23:25:14
Great classes with a teacher that understands each individual student and teaches in different ways to understand the language better. Always there to take a question and formulates an answer that you can understand and make sense of in the writting and speaking form of the language.

Ratri - বাংলা ভাষা ও ব্যাকরণে দক্ষ এবং অভিজ্ঞতাসম্পন্ন

2021/06/09 01:34:16
Very good first lesson, we planned what I needed to learn and I already learned something ! With the structured plan for the next classes, I know where I'm going and I appreciate that.

Ratri - বাংলা ভাষা ও ব্যাকরণে দক্ষ এবং অভিজ্ঞতাসম্পন্ন

2021/01/17 00:58:31
Class is going well so far. Arya is 4 years old so the attention can held for 20-25 min. The class plan is laid out well. Ratri is very patient with Arya. I think as Arya gets more familiar with Ratri it will get easier.

Rekha Panja (Jacob R.)

2020/12/28 11:28:12
I am extremely happy to find such a Bengali tutor for me. Rekha is very good teacher and teaches in a planned manner. He has lots of study materials for new comers to this language . I loved his way of teaching and dealing with students. Thanks to the Amazing Talker team for matching me with that tutor .


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惊奇辅导 AmazingTalker 的一对一家教适合所有想要学习的学生,不管是检定、成人、商务人士。我们的老师可以在各方面协助你教学。不管是听力、写作、阅读、口说或是客制化的课程都可以,如果你希望让自己的会话口说能力大幅度地提升,又或是考试跟商务表现亮眼。

那你非常适合 惊奇辅导 AmazingTalker 的家教服务。

沈浸在全母语的环境是学最好的方式之一,但如果在拼音或是单字量较不足的状况下,建议选择双语老师作为你的指导教师,因为从在 1 对 1 有限的时间内可以有更好的学习成效。而如果你已经有一定的字汇量缺乏表达跟实用的机会,那我们会建议你直接选择外籍母语老师


只需要 3 分钟的时间,我们就会透过 AI 演算法的方式推荐适合的教师给你,并且主动在网站内发送讯息关心你的需求,如果喜欢选择预约体验课即可开始学习。

在 惊奇辅导 AmazingTalker 的私人家教课程都是 1 对 1 教学的,与补习班 10 - 20 人以上的课程不一样。尤其在教师的时间分配上面,可以让每一位学生有更多口说的练习机会,透过大量的练习与纠正,进而自然的养成使用的习惯。


这些老师都经过我们严格的筛选才能上线,并即时透过 AI 演算法不停地追踪教师的表现,所以您可以安心挑选我们每一个推荐的教师。

所有的老师费用价格都是自己制定的,并不是由 惊奇辅导 AmazingTalker 所制定的。而老师费用会透过 Ai 演算法的调节,让能接受不同费用需求的学生选购。目前统计大部分老师时薪行情坐落在 250 - 1,000 台币左右,只要教师的收费你是可以接受以及喜欢的,那就建议可以先购买体验课开始试上。


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