麻辣鍋 fondue chinoise épicée(f.)
魷魚羹 soupe de seiche/calamar(f.)
蚵仔麵線 vermicelles aux huîtres (m.pl.)
鱔魚意麵 nouilles à l’anguille(f.pl.)
魯肉飯 riz au porc braisé(m.)
三杯雞 poulet aux trois tasses(m.)
肉圓 boule de viande(f.)
老师非常认真负责,讲解细致而且进度控制得很好。 老师课程时间也把控得很好,学习效率很高。 Yvaine is a great teacher who provides her students with the most tailored information. She also knows a lot of native speakers' speaking habits and culture, which offers students knowledge they cannot gain from textbooks. I highly recommend her to anyone who likes to improve their language skills.
打招呼時的回應:Je suis en form>我的狀態不錯。
un influenceur > n.
Les réseaux sociaux 社群媒體
inquiétude >n. f.
擔心, 焦急, 不安
inquiet / inquiète > adj.
la rumeur > 流言、八卦
la rumeur a alimenté l'inquiétude. 謠言引起了不安。
alimenter l'electricité 供應電力
dans tes impression > 在你的印像中
une tranche de pain grillé avec du beurre一片塗奶油的烤吐司 /de la confiture 塗果醬
tartine n.f.(塗有或供塗黃油等)麵包片 tartiner v. t.在上塗抹(黃油、果醬等)
une ratatouille燉燜燴菜 (poivrons verts/ jaunes / rouges : 青椒、黃椒、紅椒,des aubergines : 茄子,des courgettes櫛瓜,des oignons : 洋蔥,des herbes de Provence普羅旺斯的香草)
必須遺憾的說 這次體驗課不是一個好的體驗, 首先是音質問題, 幾乎老師說的每一句都有破音的聲音,與老師反映後, 得到的回應是, 他教了很多學生, 沒有人和他反映這個問題, 最後也沒有打算解決這個問題, 更反駁他也有聽到我的背景有雜音啊, 不懂這是想表達什麼意思.
再來, 我第一堂體驗課通常會想了解未來的上課模式, 因為我的法文程度還不夠溝通, 因此以英文詢問, 與老師表示希望加強發音和閱讀, 在溝通還沒有共識時, 老師就用不太好的口氣說: 你不是想說法文, 我只聽到你一直說英文. 我多次表達想理解上課模式時, 老師自顧自在筆記寫下I want to speak French = Je veux parler français 並開始講解這句話的文法, 完全無法溝通. 只好繼續順著老師讀教材上的自我介紹例句. 且老師對例句的發音十分模糊, 又加上音質經常破音, 課程品質非常差.
此外, 上課過程我多次和老師表達, 我可以理解教材上的例句意思, 只是無法準確地唸出來, 這部分老師依然無法溝通, 例句含糊地唸過一次後, 就不斷用英文和中文詢問我懂不懂意思, 儘管我多次表達可以理解意思, 只是唸不出來, 情況依舊沒有任何改善.
最後, 在課程架構上, 即使我多次詢問上課模式, 得到的回答十分模糊, 一方面說我想做什麼都可以, 或秀出一些教材, 但只是把教材展示出來, 對於具體怎麼上課的細節還是完全沒有共識, 對於我一整堂課不斷表達想改善閱讀與發音的需求, 也沒有得到任何具體的結果.
只能說, 不管是上課體驗或和老師的溝通都不好. 但看老師其他評價的反應不錯, 也許這次體驗只是個例, 給予3顆星.
It is regrettable to say that this trial lesson was not a good experience. Firstly, there was an issue with the sound quality; almost every sentence the teacher spoke had a cracking sound. After reflecting this to the teacher, the response was that he has taught many students and no one else has reported this problem. In the end, there was no intention to solve this issue, and instead, he countered by saying that he also heard noise from my background. I don't understand what he meant by that.
Furthermore, in my first trial lesson, I usually want to understand the future class format. Since my French level is not good enough for communication, I asked in English. I expressed to the teacher that I wanted to improve my pronunciation and reading. Before we reached a consensus, the teacher said in an unpleasant tone, "You don't want to speak French, I only hear you speaking English." When I repeatedly tried to understand the class format, the teacher just wrote in his notes "I want to speak French = Je veux parler français" and started explaining the grammar of this sentence, making communication impossible. I had no choice but to follow the teacher and read the self-introduction examples in the textbook. The teacher's pronunciation of the examples was very unclear, and with the sound quality often breaking up, the lesson quality was very poor.
Additionally, during the lesson, I repeatedly told the teacher that I could understand the meaning of the example sentences in the textbook, but I couldn't pronounce them accurately. The teacher still could not communicate this. After vaguely pronouncing the examples once, he kept asking me in English and Chinese if I understood the meaning, even though I had repeatedly said I understood the meaning but couldn't pronounce it. The situation did not improve at all.
Finally, regarding the class structure, even though I repeatedly asked about the class format, the answers were very vague. On one hand, he said I could do whatever I wanted, or showed some materials, but just displaying the materials without any concrete details on how the class would be conducted left us with no consensus at all. Despite expressing my desire to improve my reading and pronunciation throughout the entire lesson, there were no specific results.
Overall, the experience with the lesson and communication with the teacher was poor. However, considering the teacher's other reviews are quite positive, perhaps this experience was just an exception. I will give 3 stars.