
Jack🇬🇧British English🔥Business English💯IELTS🎓Interview Prep🚀Kids🏆Adults

7 years exp☄️All levels✅


🇬🇧 Born in Leicester, UK 🏆 7+ years teaching English (Classroom & Online) 💯 IELTS & TOEFL prep 🏢 20 yrs + Global Business Experience 🇬🇧 Teach British English/Accent 🌏 Interview Preparation (International Companies) 👨‍🏫 Taught in Asia (China, Vietnam, Indonesia) 🌏 International University Entrance prep 🗣 Fluent in 5 languages I will help you to: 🔥 Speak fluently & confidently 🔥 Correct grammatical errors 🔥 Expand your vocabulary 🔥 Pass exams first time 🔥 Succeed at job interviews 🔥 Learn industry-specific language 🔥 Improve your formal writing skills ----------COURSES---------- Children & Teens (ages 10+): 🥇 Exam tips 🥇 School interview preparation 🥇 Grammar, pronunciation & accent training 🥇 Comprehension & analysis practice 🥇 Essay writing skills 🥇 Primary & Secondary school syllabus courses Pre-University (16+): 🎓 Comprehensive exam preparation 🎓 IELTS & TOEFL 🎓 University Interview Preparation 🎓 Presentation skills 🎓 British culture & English skills 🎓 Danish/European culture Business English: 👔 Cover letter/CV writing 👔 Interview preparation 👔 Tailored/job specific courses 👔 Email & report writing techniques 👔 General/international business English 👔 Presentation/meeting skills General English: 📣 Accent reduction 📣 Increase vocabulary 📣 Improve confidence when speaking 📣 Communicate clearly & accurately 📣 General writing & essay techniques 📣 Correct mistakes & bad speaking habits 📣 Research paper reading & analysis ----------COURSE EXTRAS---------- ⭐️ On-going support for your school goals ⭐ Homework, feedback & personalised assessment ⭐ Full guidance job interviews & working culture ⭐ Constant encouragement & positive classroom ☄️🏆 Book a lesson with me TODAY and achieve your learning goals 🏆☄️


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77 笔英文课程评价

  • Bianca Chang
    2024 年 2月24 日
    這應該是我最後的幾堂課,之後我應該沒有太多的機會在Amazing talker上面上課了。所以請大家務必看一下我這三個月上課的種種心得。我這三個月總共上了三個老師的課,這三位老師都上超過五堂課,第一位是美國老師T老師、第二位是美國J老師、第三位是Jack老師。 美國T老師他是專業的大考中心老師,上課時常常誇讚我講得多好,就算我英文講得坑坑疤疤,也跨讚我很棒到多棒,講到我有點不好意思。課堂期間,50分鐘的課,幾乎都是他在講,講他的考試策略,我主要上課是要練習托福口說,卻變成了練習托福聽力,因此之後發覺對自己沒幫助,就沒繼續上下去了。總結,缺乏口說的機會,並且提醒很多次了,他還是照著他舊有的資料上課。 美國J老師他是專業的企業英語教師。在課堂一開始,老師使用自編的教材,讓學生可以練習口說,透過填空造句、看影片回答問題的方式,多元教學方法裡學習。然而,大約到了第五堂課,我覺得課堂不太適合學術上的托福,更像是日常英文。有些文法太簡單,像是"sth is as adj as sth",這應該是小學英文才學的吧。而有些主題實際上對於托福考試來說是不必要的,比如旅行、觀光等。課堂影片的播放速度太慢了,我不僅聽不清楚,對於托福考試的聽力也毫無幫助。每次播放影片,我都提醒老師影片應該以正常速度播放,但老師總是以0.5倍速播放。後來我也就隨便了。這位老師也與上一位依樣,不斷地誇讚我講的多好,講的觀點多棒,沒有糾正我錯誤的文法與發音。 Jack老師 當初找Jack老師上課其實也是抱著試試看的心態,因為離托福考試只剩下3個禮拜,前期已經在兩位美國的老師身上浪費了三個月,所以我沒有抱著太大的期望。課程一開始,雖然Jack老師說他沒有教托福的經驗,卻在第二堂課開始前做足功課,就托福的考題來幫我上課。老師時不時會指出我的錯誤,並在討論議題時提出不同的觀點。舉例來說,當我們討論到人工智慧時,我表示支持,因為可以提升工作效率,而老師從事科技業卻不贊成AI的應用,因為他認為AI不會促進人類學習,反而會造成懈怠。他在討論各種議題時都非常有見解,無論是中台關係、台美關係、政治議題、科學還是心理學。最重要是,他真的讓我在課堂上講很多話,讓我有機會練習口說。 最後,我覺得台灣人真的要想清楚,怎麼樣英文才會進步呢?是一直稱讚你好棒棒,讓你一直活在幻想的虛假的老師,還是一個願意告訴你實話、糾正你的老師?我認爲要知道自己的弱點,才能就弱點進步,前面兩位老師在我表達觀點的時候總是Excellent, well done!已經讓你失去了反證能力了!失去思考的能力!反觀如果有老師能時不時提出不同的看法,不但可以刺激腦力,也可以大大提升學習成效。 This should be my last few classes, and I probably won't have many more opportunities to take classes on AmazingTalker after. So please take a look at my experiences in these three months of classes. Over the past three months, I've taken classes with three teachers, each of whom has taught more than five classes. The first was the American teacher, Teacher T, the second was the American teacher, Teacher J, and the third was Teacher Jack. Teacher T He is a professional instructor from a major test center. During the classes, he often praised me for speaking well, even though my English was...um far from perfect, he still praised me very generously, which made me feel embarrassed. Throughout the class sessions, which were usually 50 minutes long, he mostly lectured on his exam strategies for 49mins. While my main purpose in attending the class was to practice TOEFL speaking, it turned out to be TOEFL listening practice, which I found unhelpful. As a result, I stopped attending. In summary, despite numerous reminders about the lack of speaking opportunities and requests for changes, he continued teaching according to his old materials. Teacher J He is a professional business English instructor. At the beginning of the class, the teacher used self-developed materials to allow students to practice speaking and learn through various teaching methods such as filling in the blanks, making sentences, and answering questions based on videos. However, around the fifth class, I felt that the class was not quite suitable for academic TOEFL preparation but rather everyday English. Some grammar topics were too simple, such as "sth is as adj as sth," which seems more appropriate for elementary-level English. Additionally, some topics discussed, like travel and tourism, were unnecessary for the TOEFL exam. The playback speed of the class videos was too slow, making it difficult for me to understand and providing no help for TOEFL listening. Despite my reminders to play the videos at normal speed, the teacher consistently played them at 0.5x speed. Eventually, I gave up reminding, whatever.... This teacher was similar to the previous one in continuously praising me for speaking well and for my great viewpoints, without correcting my grammar or pronunciation errors. Teacher Jack I initially chose to take classes with Jack with a "let's give it a try" attitude, as there were only three weeks left before the TOEFL exam, and I had already wasted three months with two pervious teachers. So, I didn't have high expectations. At the beginning of the course, although Jack said he had no experience teaching TOEFL, he did his homework thoroughly before the second class and taught based on TOEFL questions. The teacher occasionally pointed out my mistakes and offered different perspectives during discussions. For example, when we discussed artificial intelligence, I expressed my support for its ability to enhance work efficiency. However, Jack, who works in the technology industry, disagreed with the application of AI because he believes it won't promote human learning but rather lead to complacency. He had insightful discussions on various topics, including Taiwan-China relations, Taiwan-US relations, political issues, science, and psychology. Most importantly, he gave me ample opportunities to speak in class, allowing me to practice speaking. Finally, I think Taiwanese people really need to consider how to improve their English. Is it by constantly being praised as "excellent, well done! wow amazing!!!" by teachers who keep you living in a fantasy, or by having a teacher who is willing to tell you the truth and correct you? I believe that knowing one's weaknesses is the key to improvement. The first two teachers, who always praised me as "Excellent, well done! bra bra bra" This behaviour has already deprived me of my learning ability. They have taken away my ability to think! On the other hand, if a teacher can occasionally offer different perspectives, it can not only make your brain work but also improve learning outcome.
  • 匿名
    2024 年 2月1 日
    我上了36堂50分鐘的課了,但是我很懶惰不太喜歡留言😊 可是Jack 老師他真的是一位難得的好老師,非常認真,誠實,負責任,我真實的感覺在這個平台很難遇到這麼好的老師,他非常有耐心,也很紳士,在上課過程中擅與激發學生的思考能力,讓學生可以更好的發揮自己的想像力去回答問題,這樣的方式會令到學生記憶深刻,是一個非常好的主動學習的機會,而不是被動的接受,並且他涉略廣泛,我們討論文學,科學,哲學,心理學他真的是一位寶藏老師,希望更多的學生能夠認識他,跟他上課。 強烈推薦有興趣,並且是認真想要學好英文的學生跟Jack 一起學習。 非常推薦teacher Jack👍👍👍😊😊😊
显示全部 77 则评价




  • 2020 - 2022 Purple Academy
  • 2018 - 2020 High school attached to Hunan University
  • 2015 - 2017 Raffles Independent school
  • 2014 - 2015 Institute for Renewable Energy
  • 2012 - 2013 Unwire
  • 2009 - 2012 Airbus
  • 2005 - 2009 Verizon
  • 2001 - 2005 Intel


  • 1983 - 1987 Middlesex University BSc. Computer Science

  • 2020 - 2022 Purple Academy
  • 2018 - 2020 High school attached to Hunan University
  • 2015 - 2017 Raffles Independent school
  • 2014 - 2015 Institute for Renewable Energy
  • 2012 - 2013 Unwire
  • 2009 - 2012 Airbus
  • 2005 - 2009 Verizon
  • 2001 - 2005 Intel
  • 1983 - 1987

    Middlesex University

    BSc. Computer Science



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  • 体验课程课时约为 25 分钟
  • 正式课程课时约为 50 分钟
  • 正式课程购买超过 5 堂有额外折扣(视老师开课价额而定)
  • 开课前 10 分钟进入网站,选择『我的课程』找到该堂课并点选『进入教室』,即可开启 ZOOM 教室开始上课
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