
Ndyana ⭐ SALE ⭐ See benefits from just 1 lesson ⭐

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If you want to learn English… You are my ideal student if… You know a little bit of English You want a more opportunities You want to sound confident Success is a result of smart and appropriate learning. Put your time and effort in the right direction. From our 1st lesson I help you understand your language strengths and weaknesses so you can see improvement from your first lesson. I have had many students go from speaking a little English to being fluent speakers in ONLY 2 weeks! This is what you can expect from our lessons: Improve your listening skills. Pronunciation skills, learn to speak English well. Communicate with English colleagues at school and clients at work. Increase your confidence and opportunities to speak. I will accompany you as you achieve your learning goals. I welcome both long-term and short-term students. I will also teach you about English culture. If you want to learn English, just book my trial and I will show how I can help. If you would like a longer version, I have 25 or 50 minutes available for you to book. Are you missing out on a better job opportunity or a fun travel experience because you cannot speak English? Imagine how a high level of English fluency would change your life! What is stopping you from investing in yourself and your future? If you are ready to reap the benefits of an experienced and professional native-level teacher, I will design a customised learning plan to meet your personal learning goals, and keep you motivated and excited to learn English. You will experience a noticeable acceleration in your English skills and gain a competitive edge by speaking more naturally and with increased confidence. Language ability is the key to expanding your world. If you want to speak English successfully and quickly, you need more than learning at school. Every student is different so every student learns differently and needs special attention. I am currently accepting a limited number of new students, to protect the rights of current students to arrange classes. Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in your future! I am confident that together we can achieve the results you want with your English. I’m looking forward to helping you reach your English language and life goals! I, myself, am bilingual from a multicultural family. As a young child, my parents wanted me to learn French, so I went to a French international school. From the age of 9, I started failing because my English parent could not help me with my homework since they were English and could not speak French. School became too difficult when I could no longer rely on my foreign understanding of French when in Maths class and so I had to change schools. However, I didn’t understand my schoolwork even though it was now in English because l had never learnt it in English. I struggled to catch up and was so frustrated that I spent so much time and money just to understand my homework because my teachers didn’t know how to help me. Eventually, when I realised I wouldn’t be able to even finish high school, I decided to try different methods to teach myself and it worked. I started to catch up very quickly and started getting very good grades. When I went to college I discovered that many of the other students had the same problems as me, so I started tutoring them after classes using the methods I created to help myself. I loved language so I continued to push myself to better my own English. My family is British, Italian and Afrikaans. I travelled a lot when i was young and got to see other cultures. Because I love languages, so I pursued law, and administration, and management but I felt like I was missing a part of my life because I wanted to continue travelling. I felt like the days were the same. Everyday was busy. There was no good, no bad, no progress. I wanted to see more. See the world… So I working in travel. I was working as a travel agent when Covid-19 started. This huge shift in life allowed me to finally pursue a dream of mine. I started studying to make films as it is a lifelong dream of mine to be a filmmaker. To use this visual and audio form of communication to connect people around the world. I started teaching because I wanted to help others with the same problems I had to face. I quickly learnt that I enjoyed seeing others succeed and this pushed me to become better because I feel very fulfilled when I see my students not only speak English fluently, but also improve in their job and in their travels. I chose to be a one-on-one English teacher because it is a much better method to help students achieve their goals faster and more effectively than the traditional classroom environment. Through my business background and experience living internationally, I can help students break through blind spots and build confidence with practical success. In my free time, I love to paint, read and of course watch movies. I spend as much time as I can outdoors. When I am not teaching I am working on my own films. I look forward to working with you! Ndyana I have coached hundreds of students over the past 7 years to speak English. I can give you the advice you need in your 1st class. My goal is for my students to create new opportunities and actually enjoy a new language so that you can save yourself from a lot of hard work and bottlenecks when learning English.
超过 5 堂课以上有额外的优惠,可在下方看到价格或是购物车选择!



114 笔英文课程评价

  • 匿名
    oct 11, 2023
    老師的口音極好, 易聽懂, 學到很多扎實的時態, 老師很鼓勵我多說 , 課後還會給上課 pdf 方便複習, 很好很好的老師 .
  • 匿名
    oct 9, 2023
    老師的口音極好聽, 易聽懂又很認真, 老師很厲害 , 可以從我破碎的句子了解我要表達的, 教我正確的說法 , 很好的老師 .
显示全部 114 则评价




  • 2020 - 2020 Eigox
  • 2015 - 2019 Private Individuals


  • 2017 - 2019 IHT Business Management


  • Qualifi Level 5 TEFL

  • 2020 - 2020 Eigox
  • 2015 - 2019 Private Individuals
  • 2017 - 2019


    Business Management

  • Qualifi Level 5 TEFL



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  • 体验课程课时约为 25 分钟
  • 正式课程课时约为 50 分钟
  • 正式课程购买超过 5 堂有额外折扣(视老师开课价额而定)


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  • 购买课程后可依照教师行事历的时间预约课程
  • 如教师显示『可实时授课』则可立即预约教师待会的时间
  • 如教师未在在线最快可预约 24 小时之后的课程
  • 体验课程课时约为 25 分钟
  • 正式课程课时约为 50 分钟
  • 正式课程购买超过 5 堂有额外折扣(视老师开课价额而定)
  • 开课前 10 分钟进入网站,选择『我的课程』找到该堂课并点选『进入教室』,即可开启 ZOOM 教室开始上课
  • 手机、计算机皆可使用 ZOOM 上课(手机请先下载 ZOOM 应用程序)
  • 当课程发生问题可选择『回报问题』,可由教师选择重新预约或是退AT币
  • 如教师超过12小时未给予回复,系统将自动退AT币给您


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